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Select a category:

1. Get to know more about the categories for awards by downloading the criteria for judging. Simply fill out the form below and select the category you want to download.

2. Click the category name to see description.

Industry Thought Leader of the Year

Thought leaders in the industry champion growth, development and success by voicing new and challenging ideas.

This award recognises an individual who has shown a committed passion and aptitude for improving the industry.

Marketer of the Year

This award recognises a leading marketing, PR or communications professional who supports the superannuation sector via the provision of services to managers and firms. The awardee can
effectively demonstrate that their role and advice have transformed and helped improve reputation, best practice, and professionalism in the superannuation space.

Best Super Fund as voted for by financial advisers

Accountability and Transparency

Advice Offering

Best Digital Offering

Best Low-cost Offering

Career Fund of the Year

Choice Insurance Offering

Default Insurance Offering


Lifetime Return

Member Education


MyChoice Super of the Year

MySuper of the Year

Net Benefit

Retirement Offering of the Year

Service Quality

Smooth Ride

Sustainable Fund of the Year

Fund of the Year

This is required.

Thank you for your interest in the Super Fund of the Year Awards 2024.

Please find the attached category descriptions.

For any additional information, or any questions, please contact Jenna via [email protected] or alternatively call 0452 436 701.

We look forward to seeing your submission.

Best wishes,

Super Fund of the Year Awards Team

Best Super Fund as voted for by financial advisers

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